Thursday, November 24, 2011

Brags and Links

I sent out an mass-email this morning, but am getting a lot of "Mail delivery failed" messages.

So I think I better post it here, too!

Hello and good morning!

The El Paso Writer's League has a new Facebook page:

If you are on Facebook stop by and LIKE the page.

We also would like to add a brag section as well as links to individual websites to our blog.

So, if you have a website you would like to share with us and the world please email me your URL address.

If you have a brag let me know and I will make sure to put it out there for you!

Email me at:

Also, let me know if you would rather not be tagged or mentioned on Facebook or the blog. We will respect your wish for privacy!

Thank you for your time!

Tina Dwyer

P.S.: Please pass this email along to anybody I might have missed! Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We are now on facebook

You can now follow us on facebook:

We hope this will expose us to more people!
Come check it out and click the LIKE button!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Minutes, November 2011 meeting

President Janice Brooks called the meeting to order.
Secretary: October 8, 2011 minutes approved
Treasurer: Treasurer's report approved
Committee Reports:
Audit Committee: An audit committee has been established. Members are Bob Sanchez, Isaiah Barrett, Sarah Purcell, Jan Brooks.

Old Business:
Annual Banquet: Sally Spener reminded members of the Nov. 19 deadline.

New Business:
Introduction of the 2012 slate of officers: President-Bob Sanchez; VP-
Sally Spener; Treasurer-Isaiah Barrett; Secretary-Richard Schwein. After a call for
nominations from the floor, a motion to elect the slate by acclamation was made and
approved by unanimous vote.
2012 Contest Chairs: Janice Brooks and Sarah Purcell

2008 Poet Laureate, Larry D. Thomas. The League purchased one copy each
of Mr. Thomas’s three books to donate to the library.

Brags and Introductions:
Veterans were acknowledged.
Members were asked to introduce themselves and state the genres in which they write.
50/50: Anne Sparks won $17.50

The meeting was adjourned.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Larry D. Thomas at the November meeting

The 2008 Texas Poet Laureate Larry Thomas gave a great talk at yesterday's monthly meeting. For those of you who want to check it out, here is the website he mentioned.