Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2011 Handsprings Conference in Albuquerque

2011 Handsprings Conference in Albuquerque

Pre-registration news for the SCBWI (the New Mexico Chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) New Mexico Handsprings Writers and Illustrators Conference
October 8, 2011
University of New Mexico
Student Union Building
8:30 a.m. until 4:30 pm
Presenters will be:
Stacey Barney, Editor, Putnam
Andrew Harwell, Editor, Penguin
Jill Corcoran, Agent, Herman Agency
Loraine Joyner, Art Director, Peachtree
The 2011 conference coincides with the last weekend of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta so advance planning for hotel space is recommended. The Airport Fairfield Mariott has a small block of room reserved for this conference but they will go fast.  If you are attending from out of town, please considering setting up your reservation now.
As details become available, there will be updates on the website at www.scbwi-nm.org.  Registration for the conference will begin late summer.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Minutes, August 2011 meeting

EPWL August 13, 2011 Regular Minutes

*President Janice Brooks opened the meeting by explaining the handouts pertaining to the workshop and the form asking members to consider volunteering for next year’s board. She explained the 50/50 drawing.
*Minutes: approved.

*Treasurer Report: filed for audit

*Committee Reports:
1. Sulta Bonner gave an update on Border Tapestry.
2. Mike Grunsten handed out entry forms for the contest.
*Old Business:
1. EPCC Literary Fiesta: to be held on 9/24/2011. Members interested in participating were asked to contact Janice regarding work schedules and handing over their books to her.
2. Contest Deadline: September 10, 2011. No late entries will be accepted.
3. Logo contest winner: Mike Grunsten was presented with a $25 gift certificate for having the winning logo.

*New Business:
1. A short discussion was held regarding participating in the Oct. La Vina event if members with books are interested and the event has openings.
2. Head librarian at the Dorris Van Doren library informed Janice that the League may have to pay $25 per hour for use of the auditorium and to schedule three months before hand which would still not insure League use of the room. The League will have use of the auditorium, barring being bumped by other programs, through November of this year. Patricia suggested the League find another place to meet. Jan asked for a copy of library policies. It was suggested during the announcement to members that the regular meeting time be changed from 2:00 to 4:00 to 3:00 to 5:00.
3. Member Cindy Alvarez suggested beginning a petition against the library.
*Program: Janice Brooks and Vonda Frampton led the workshop consisting of ten-minute writes using contest categories. Afterwards, members volunteered to read one piece of their choice.
*50/50 Drawing: William Cummings had the winning ticket.

*Brags/ Announcements:
1. Paul Geneson asked to meet with any member who had lived in Chicago during the ‘50s.
2. Dick Schwein announced that the Lancer’s Club had closed.
*Next Meeting: September 10, 2011
*The meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by EPWL 2011 secretary, Vonda Frampton

Friday, August 19, 2011

Contest entry form for 2011

El Paso Writer’s League Annual Contest: 2011 Official Entry Form

Name (please print or type): ___________________________________________________

Number of entries: 1 to 5 $20.00 Total number of entries: =    _______

Additional entries a $3/entry: Total enclosed  _________



Closed Form _________________________________________________________________________


Open Form (Free Verse) _________________________________________________________________________


Haiku, Tanka, Senryu, Ghazal, & other forms


Children's _________________________________________________________________


Inspirational _________________________________________________________________________

Personal Essay/Op-Ed/Feature Article


Character Profile ____________________________________________________________________






Adult Short Story_____________________________________________________________________


Adult Flash Fiction____________________________________________________________________


Children/Young Adult_____________________________________________________________________


Book Chapter______________________________________________________________




Sunday, August 14, 2011

The President’s Corner, August 2011

President's Corner:  Is the heat getting you down?  Do you have the summer-time blues and lazy 'don't wannas', well we have a tonic.  Vonda Frampton and I recently got together to plan the August program - Writing for the Contest.  We hope you join us for a fun afternoon.  Bring plenty of paper and a good pen.  From poetry to op-ed and from fact to fiction, 10-minute writes will guide you through every contest genre.  Unusual writing prompts will encourage you to share your creativity.  The plan is to have a fast-paced afternoon with time for sharing your favorite offering at the end of the program.  September contest due date is around the bend, so let's get on track and on schedule.

Bring a friend or two, EPWL is here for you!

Janice Brooks, President   Author of "Illusions" & "A Price for Fame"

December annual banquet

Sally Spener, Banquet Chair, has arranged for what promises to be an exceptional annual banquet. This year it will be held at the Sunland Park Holiday Inn on Saturday, December 10 between 11:00 AM and 3:30 PM.

Members' reservations with menu choices will be made at the November League meeting. It's a great opportunity for a holiday season get together and to discover the results of our annual writing contest.