Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 6, 2011 EPWL Board Meeting Minutes

Members in Attendance: Janice Brooks, Mike Grunsten, Sarah Purcell, Vonda Frampton, Bob Sanchez

Previous Minutes: No action

Treasurer/ Financial Report: no action

President Report: Patsy King has asked that she be excused from attending some meetings but still remain eligible for the contest. The board agreed to give her credit for meetings due to her on-going medical issues. League information given to Betty Marcus-Randal people who are handling estate. They need to let Janice know what action the League needs to take. Sarah will send new constitution information to the state.

Committee Reports: Junior Jotters: none/ Border Tapestry: on schedule

Old Business: 1. Blog: important information will continue to be placed in the newsletter as well as on the blog until members become familiar with the new site.

2. Tote bags and welcome packets: tote bags will be bought, but member packet information will be placed on the blog. Business cards will be printed with blog address.

3.Name tags: $50.00 will be made available to treasurer, Sarah Purcell, to purchase lanyards to replace laminated name tags. Any monies left over from the purchase of tags will go back into the League account. For the time being only new members will receive the new form of name tags.

4. EPWL Logo contest: submission deadline is July 6. submissions will be sent to Mike on or before that date. Members will vote on the submissions at the July 6 regular meeting. The top three entries will then be voted on. A $25.00 Barnes & Noble gift card will be the prize for the winning entry. To offset printing costs, it was determined that a maximum of two colors will be accepted for logo artwork. Guidelines for the contest will be announced at the June 11 meeting. Mike will put the guidelines in the Inkslinger.

5.Contest: Mike will hand out worksheets for the contest at the June meeting.

New Business: 1. Member roster discussed. Sarah relayed the names of those members who haven’t paid their dues for the year. Janice will email those members who haven’t been attending meetings to determine their status. Bob will update the member information and photos after Janice determines those active members.
2. Membership dues: dues will be $4.00 a month or $40.00 for the year. This action was decided on to better accommodate those members who join in the middle or latter part of a year. It was agreed that the dues amount should not change from president to president, but be a fixed amount. This will be added to the constitution.

3. Constitution change: Article 6-1 will read “membership fees are pro-rated by quarter.

4. Extension Cord Purchase: Mike will purchase an extension cord for use with the sound system. A receipt for the purchase is to be given to the treasurer for reimbursement to Mike.

5. Southwest Writers of New Mexico contacted Mike about teaming up with the League. Bob will contact Melanie Groves of SWNM.

6. School-Wear-Rock info will be filed for possible later use.

Programming: June: Musical Chair Authors: Categories in the contest will be the
July: William Cummings-Playwriting: tentative. Jan will call
William to firm up program

August: Bob Sanchez: Blogs and Websites

September: Contest writing prompts (10 minutes & then sharing)

October: Announce Slate of Officers for 2012 & Creating Subjects

November: Election of new officers & appointment of committee
chairs. Marketing Mistakes Pre & Post Publishing

December: Banquet-Contest Winner Announcements & Officer

The meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by 2011 EPWL Secretary Vonda Frampton

1 comment:

  1. I am going to have to miss the August meeting and can't give a presentation then.
