Wednesday, December 17, 2014

2014 Contest Judges


Valerie Bailey

Closed Form
Larry Thomas

Open Form
Valerie Bailey

Haiku, Tanka, Senryu, Ghazal
Larry Thomas

Prose, Non-Fiction:

Meloday Groves

Op-Ed/Feature Article
Meloday Groves

Kathleen Reade

Reminiscence/ Memoir/Personal Essay
Kathleen Reade

Prose, Fiction:

Adult Short Story
Jamie Gray

Adult Flash Fiction
Jamie Gray

Children/YA Story
LC Hayden

Book Chapter
Shirley McKee

2014 Contest Winners List


1st Failures of the Tech Revolution by SallySpener
2nd Navigating my Healthy Writing Course by VondaFrampton
3rd Adios, Curas Machistas by Cindy Alvarez
HM Creative Writing: The Heart / Brain Connection byChristine Susany

Adult Short Story

1st Haciendado by Beverly Blout
2nd Class of ’62 Reunion by Don Moss
3rd Tiny Monroe by Vonda Frampton
HM Demented Gramma by Pat Phillips

Adult FlashFiction

1st Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf byTina Dwyer
2nd The Secondhand Conundrum by Julia Duncan
3rd Blind Date by Bob Sanchez
HM Crow by Donna Helmling


1st The Juicy and the Lean (YA) by NancyNatalicio
2nd N/A
3rd Patas de Gallina (YA) by Cindy Alvarez
HM A very Special Christmas (Children) by Tina Dwyer


1st Doors by Vonda Frampton
2nd My Time by Vonda Frampton
3rd Lessons Learned by Christine Susany
HM Long Ago by Yvonne Collins

Book Chapter  Women’s Lit

1st  Alaskaby Kathryn Forest
2nd All She Requires by Vonda Frampton
3rd Our First Thanksgiving by Heidi Hunt

Chapter Book Mystery-Suspense/Sci-Fi/Action

1st The Soul Mender by Robyn Gold
2nd Death of a Mascot by Tina Dwyer
3rd Whiskey Park by Don Moss
1st HM Thriver by Julia Duncan
2nd HM Whistling by the Graveyard by VondaFrampton


1st Before the Watchman Cries, “Alba!” byChristine Susany
2nd Timbuktu: Ode to Country Music II by SallySpener
3rd The Sisters Three by Christine Susany

Poetry, Open Form

1st For Billy Collins by Nancy Natalicio
2nd Murder for Hire by Heidi Hunt
3rdThe Watering Hole by Christine Susany
HM Dusk at the Zócals

Poetry,Closed Form

1st Spanish is more than Colors and Numbers by NancyNatalicio
2nd Ballad of an Immured Princess by Tina Dwyer
3rd  N/A

Poetry Haiku

1st Creamy Shadows Pool by Christine Susany
2nd Shimmering Jewel by Sally Spener
3rd Iridescent Plumes by Sally Spener

Best of Best:

 Creamy Shadows Pool by Christine Susany

 Doors by Vonda Frampton

The Juicy and the Lean by Nancy Natalicio 

Friday, November 7, 2014


If you haven't paid for the December Award Banquet yet make sure you bring your check ($16.52 payable to El Paso Writers' League) tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


A short History of the EPWL

2015 Board Elections

Just a little reminder that we will elect the 2015 Board this Saturday. We have approached several of our members, but still do not have a full slate. If you would consider volunteering for any of the Board positions or chairs or have questions about any of the positions send me a message! Thank you!

Friday, July 25, 2014

EPWL contest categories, rules and guidelines & entry form



-POETRY: ANY TOPIC (Nature, Southwest, Humorous, or whatever inspires you.)

Traditional:  Poetrydistinguished by the prosody of historic structures of meter, rhythm, rhyme,and versification, (including Blank Verse).

Closed Form:  Poetryin specific and traditional patterns recognizable by their structure, e.g.couplets, ballad, sonnet, villanelle, limerick, sestina, among others.

Open Form (Free Verse):  Poetry that does not conform to any established or historicmeter, rhyme, or stanza structure. Such poetry derives its poetic qualitiesfrom the repetition of words, phrases, grammatical structures, arrangementof words or lines on the printed page, or any other innovative means of expression.

Haiku, Tanka, Senryu, Ghazal, and other forms of international poetic expression.

Children’s:  Poetrythat consists of whimsical, lyrical, laughable, lovable expressions of wit andwisdom. ANY FORM.

-PROSE, NON-FICTION (2,000 words MAX.)

Inspirational:  Think Chicken Soup stories.  What are thewords of wisdom that have guided you along your life’s path? What inspiringmessage or insights would you like share with others?

Op-Ed/Feature Article: Discussion of a single subject from a personal point of view.  Thinknewspaper Editorial Page or Living Section. Challengeothers to think about, act upon, or appreciate your perspective on issues ofcommon interest or concern.
Character Profile:  Description of the qualities and characteristics that contributeto a particular person op-et’s unique personality.

Southwest / Travel: Anarticle or essay describing and detailing the cultural, geographic, orhistorical significance and/or current events impacting an interestinglocal, national, or international location you have experienced.

Reminiscence/Memoir/Personal Essay:  An account of your personal reflections about memorable time orevent that had a significant impact upon you and your life.


Adult Short Story:  3000 words MAX.

Adult FLASH Fiction:  500words MAX.

Children/ YA Story:  1500 words MAX. Please specify appropriate age group.

Book Chapter: First chapter or 20 pages MAX.
               1. Mystery-Suspense/Sci-Fi/Action
               2. Romance/Women’s Lit  

Theater/Screenplay:  A one-act play, or the first ten pages of a longer play. 


Thecontest is exclusive to EPWL members who have paid their annual dues in fullbefore the contest deadline.

-    Submissions must be original andunpublished.
-    Submissions may not have been awardedprizes in either an EPWL or any other literary contest.
-    Manuscripts being considered, but notunder contract, by publishers are eligible for submission in this contest.
-    All entries must follow the ruleswritten in this document.

A member may enter any or all categories, but no more than twoentries per category.

Submit two copies ofeach entry along with an official Entry Form to the contest chairs bythe deadline: Sept. 13, 2014.

Entry fees
$20 for 1-5 submissions and $3 for each additional entry. If acontest entrant brings in a sponsor of $60 or more, the$20 entry fee will bewaived.

Minimum entries
Categories with fewer than five entries will be assigned to thesecond choice category.

How-to submit
-      All submissions are to besubmitted anonymously, enclosed in the manila envelope provided, with the nameand telephone number and e-mail address of the author on the label on theoutside of the envelope.
-     Use standard size, plain whitepaper. Do not staple the pages ofyour entry. Instead, hold the pages together with are movable clip.
-      All contest entries must be typed, and with the exceptionof poetry, double-spaced. Use one-inch margins all around. Indent the firstline of each paragraph 5 to 7 spaces.Entriesmust be typed according to appropriate, professional form. Contest entriesmust be clean and neat. Misspellings, strike-overs, hard-to-read, and old or yellowed manuscripts are not acceptable.
-      Do not use fancy or scriptfonts for your text, except when stating character’s thoughts. Those go initalics. Stick to Times New Roman or one of the other fonts that mostpublishers use. Use 12point size.
-      The category and subjectmatter of each entry must appear in the lefthand margin of the first page. (Example: Fiction: Romance or Book Length:Nonfiction or Poetry: Children’s, etc.)Word count of prose entries needs to appear on the right.Wordcount for poetry is unnecessary. On the following pages, type a key wordfrom the title of the contest entry in the upper left-hand corner and pagenumber in the upper right-hand corner. Donot put your name on any page of the manuscript.
-      Do not include a coverpage, illustrations, or pictures in the manuscript.
-      Please sign your officialEntry Form (to be given out at the August meeting) with your name, the titlesof your entries, and the amount of money you submitted with the entries.
-      Any deviation of these rules could be basis for disqualification.


The contest deadline is Saturday, September 13, 2014. If youwant to submit prior to the contest deadline, please send the completed EntryForm (August meeting), two copies of each entry, and theentry fee to:

El Paso Writers’ League
P.O. Box13567
El Paso, TX 79913

No entries will be accepted after the close of the EPWL meeting onSaturday, September 13. 2014

Need help?
If you have questions, feel free to call Tina Dwyer at 915-239-7284,or send an email to


El Paso Writer’s League Annual Contest: 2014 Official Entry Form

Name (please print or type): ______________________________________________________ 

Number of entries: 1 to 5 $20.00 total number of entries: = ___________________________________

Additional entries a $3/entry: ______________________________________________________                                        

Total $ amount:_______________________________________________



Closed Form:
Open Form (Free Verse):

Haiku, Tanka, Senryu, Ghazal, & other forms: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Op-Ed/Feature Article:
Character Profile:
Reminiscence/Memoir/Personal Essay


Adult Short Story:
Adult Flash Fiction:
Children/Young Adult:
Book Chapter:
            -Women’s Lit/Romance:

Monday, May 12, 2014

Non-Fiction Writing Panel

May 17 from 10 a.m. until noon

Roundtable Speakers:
*Dan Aranda
Writer focused on Apache history
*Rick Hendricks
New Mexico State Historian and author
*Frank Newby
Historian and author of 17 books
*Dave Thomas
Writer focused on local history

This presentation is appropriate for those who wish to write books,
magazine articles, web articles and more. Topics will include selecting a
topic, researching non-fiction pieces, making your writing entertaining and
informative, and bringing your character to life.

Location: Good Samaritan – Las Cruces Village, 3011 Buena Vida Circle
The meeting room is downstairs next to the auditorium.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Non-Fiction Writing Panel

Las Cruces Press Women present:

Non-Fiction Writing Panel
May 17 from 10 a.m. until noon

Roundtable Speakers:
*Dan Aranda
 Writer focused on Apache history
 *Rick Hendricks
 New Mexico State Historian and author
 *Frank Newby
 Historian and author of 17 books
 *Dave Thomas
 Writer focused on local history 

This presentation is appropriate for those who wish to write books, 
magazine articles, web articles and more. Topics will include selecting a 
topic, researching non-fiction pieces, making your writing entertaining and 
informative, and bringing your character to life. 

Location: Good Samaritan – Las Cruces Village, 3011 Buena Vida Circle
The meeting room is downstairs next to the auditorium.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Border Tapestry Release Party

Don't forget that today is our 
Border Tapestry Release Party!!!
Come and join us for an afternoon of 
sharing and celebrating the winning pieces of 2013
Every EPWL member in good standing will get a free copy...
If there will be any left at the end of the meeting 
you can buy extras!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

LC Hayden

Friends, one of our own is in need of our prayers and support! 
I am sharing this of LC Hayden's page:

Status Update

By Lc Hayden
Have been lots of private posts and e-mails about this so I decided to answer all at once. This past Sunday was absolutely wonderful. I had all three grandkids (seven months, two and four years old) and had the best time. Then we met with the parents (our son and his wife) and had a wonderful dinner. Went home about 8 PM, and I went to the bathroom just because that was the thing to do. No emergency. Nothing. I wasn't expecting to fill the toilet bowl with blood. That happened three more times during the night. By the morning I was in serious pain so I went to the ER. They found a mass in my kidneys the size of a football. The ER said they weren't equipped to handle that kind of emergency, so they put me in an ambulance (my first ambulance ride!) and took me to the hospital, which is where I am.

The operation to remove the mass and the kidney (both kidneys might have to go--they won't know until they open me up) will be this Wednesday at Providence Hospital at 10:30 AM. The doctors are calling it kidney cancer although no biopsy has been done. I'm praying--and please pray for me too--that they'll only have to take one kidney and the other one is okay. I have the greatest belief that all will turn well. I'll just have to learn to live with one kidney, which many people have been able to.

I'll be released from the hospital today (Thurs.) (I'm at Sierra Medical Center) and will need to report to Providence on Wednesday. But that's good, as it'll give me a couple of days to try to catch up with my work.

Hope you're well. Please add me to your prayer list.


L. C.

If anybody needs LC Hayden's address email me and I will get it to you!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I am passing this on for Chris Susany who delighted us with a great writing workshop yesterday:

Dear EPWL Members and Guests:

I Just wanted to thank everyone (members and guests) for your attendance at my Writing Workshop this afternoon. I truly appreciated your critiquing comments and suggestions. Your feedback provides the fuel for future "New and Improved" writing workshops. Ultimately my hope was that each of you would carry away a nugget of insight or a glimmer of inspiration that will encourage you to keep writing and searching for the right way to tell you story.

At this age/stage of my life, my biggest regret is that I didn't pay close enough attention to the stories my elders tried to share. I heard, but I didn't listen. Now, I am too soon old, and too late smart, and unfortunately for me and my progeny, the wellspring of original recounts has dried up.That leaves me trying to piece together a disjointed puzzle of hogdge-podge heresay and bonafide history. All those great memories that could have, should have been captured for posterity's sake are now nothing but dust in the wind.

Please, don't let the winds sweep away your memories. Memories are what make us memorable.


PS: If any member would like a copy of the Memoir Writing hand outs, please tell them to contact
Christine O. Susany, Literary Craftsman

Monday, February 3, 2014

February Meeting

February’s Program

CHRIS SUSANY will be the guest speaker for this Saturday’s program: “Memoir Writing: Spanning the Genres.”  In keeping with the month of February, the theme she will be exploring is

“The Meaning of Love.”        

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Thank You!!!

I just wanted to throw out a huge thank you to everybody that showed up to our January meeting yesterday! We had an amazing turnout and I had a blast with you all! Thanks for all your feedback and support! Feel free to email me with ideas, suggestions and critique, at any time.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Meeting Time

365 Writing Project

I know we are already 10 days into the new year, but I found this 365 writing project with a writing prompt for every day...check it out and let me know what you think!